Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lada Laika finalmente sairá de linha

O Lada Laika também é conhecido pelo codiname 2105.
Finalmente, depois de 41 anos, o Lada Laika/2105 sairá de linha na Rússia. O modelo vendia muito nos anos 70/80, mas o modelo foi ficando defasado ao lado de outros modelos Lada, como o Granta e o Kalina. O carro despencou nas vendas em 2009 e, nesse ano, a marca anunciou o fim de produção do Laika. Foram 16 milhões de Laika produzidos desde 22 de abril de 1970.

O carro chegou a ser vendido no Brasil, em 1991, e saiu de linha em 1995, junto com os outros Lada (Niva, Samara e 210X/Laika SW).

Carros de História: Fiat 500

O Fiat 500 foi lançado em 1957. É impossível não achar esse carrinho simpático, não?
O motor era traseiro, seguindo a base do Fusca e outros carros da época.
O Fiat 500 era o Fusca italiano.
O carro de história de hoje é o Fiat 500/Cinquecento, o sucessor do Topolino.

Para atender às demandas do mercado pós-guerra, que apelou para carros de custo muito baixo, o Fiat 500 tinha que ter motor traseiro, para tentar fazer o mesmo sucesso do Fusca. Vários fabricantes de automóveis seguiram esse padrão e foram muito bem sucedidos. Mas apenas o Fiat 500 foi usado como padrão para outros fabricantes de carros na Europa. As empresas Neckar da Alemanha e a Steyr-Puch da Áustria seguiram legalmente a base no Fiat 500.

Fiat 500 Giardinera, versão perua do diminuto 500.
Apesar de seu tamanho diminuto, o 500 provou ser um veículo extremamente prático e popular em toda a Europa. Foi também disponível na versão "Giardiniera", ou perua do 500, esta variante apresentou o motor padrão deitado de lado. A distância entre-eixos alongada em 10 cm rendeu um assento utilizável traseiro, teto solar de corpo inteiro, e travões de maiores dimensões do Fiat 600.

A produção do 500 terminou em 1975, embora o seu sucessor, o Fiat 126, foi lançado dois anos antes. O 126 nunca foi tão popular quanto seu antecessor na Itália, mas foi (e ainda é) muito popular nos países do antigo Bloco de Leste, onde é famoso pela durabilidade mecânica e econômica. A Giardinera continuou até 1977, sem nenhum sucessor.

O Cinquecento voltou em 1991, mas sem ser chamado de 500.
Ele sucedeu o Fiat 126, embora tenha ficado até 2000.
O Fiat Cinquecento foi um carro de uso urbano lançado pela Fiat no final de 1991 para substituir o Fiat 126. Era o modelo primeiro Fiat a ser exclusivamente fabricado na planta FSM em Tychy, na Polônia, que acabou de ser vendida para a Fiat pelo estado polonês, e onde a produção do 126 (em sua variante polonesa, o Polski Fiat 126) ainda era em execução. A produção do Cinquecento terminou em 1998, quando foi substituído pelo 600/Seicento.

O Cinquecento estava disponível em um estilo único, um pequeno hatch de 2 portas, com um coeficiente aerodinâmico favorável de apenas 0,33. Ele apresentava diversos avanços em relação aos mais velhos carros Fiat urbanos, incluindo a suspensão independente tanto na frente e na traseira, freios a disco dianteiros, barras de impacto lateral, juntamente com zonas de deformação incorporadas ao projeto e painéis da carroçaria galvanizada para afastar a corrosão. A direção era por pinhão e cremalheira, e apesar da direção assistida nunca ter sido oferecida, o carro podia ser encomendado com uma série de extras, incluindo fecho centralizado, vidros, teto solar (ou teto de lona retrátil na versão Soleil) e até o ar condicionado.

O curioso foi que o Cinquecento durou menos que seu antecessor (1991-1998). Ele chegou a sair de linha antes do 126 (1972-2000). PS: Ano que vem o Fiat 126 faz 40 anos, e esse ano o Cinquecento (1991) faz 20 anos. 
O novo 500 foi lançado em 2008, lembrando e muito o modelo de 1957.
O carro só não tem motor traseiro.
Painel customizável. Pode ser preto, marrom, ou esse aí da foto, o creme.
Catálogo de cores do 500 americano.
Adesivos que podem ser colocados na lateral do carro.
O novo Fiat 500 é um manifesto da "nova Fiat", um modelo que representa para todos os efeitos, a materialização de uma nova abordagem, de estratégias novas, e uma abordagem diferente para o carro. Exatamente 50 anos após o lançamento da primeira edição do modelo a Fiat lançou a 3ª geração do carro.

Qualquer um poderia re-editar o Fiat 500, porque sua forma é parte de nossa memória coletiva. Alguns objetos industriais que foram fruto da criatividade italiana, no período após a guerra, como o Fiat 500, ou o Vespa, não pode ser julgado em termos puramente estéticos, nem eles representam apenas um exercício de boa engenharia de que forma serve a uma função. Pelo contrário, eles são catalisadores poderosos, revolucionários em sua concepção e no conceito que define os pontos de referência e referências comuns. Quando isso acontece, o resultado é uma obra-prima que é uma parte essencial da história industrial. O "Nuova 500" é um deles.

Esta é uma história que ocorreu duas vezes. A primeira é a história de um grande número de proprietários, fãs e entusiastas que promoveu a imagem do carro como um veículo, bem confiável e econômica, que se tornou uma expressão de uma parte de suas vidas, a melhor parte, evocando um espírito despreocupado e a falta de preocupações. O Fiat 500 está ligado a essas memórias, para amizades fortes e primeiros amores, evoca imagens de um passado positivo que muitos gostariam de reviver.

O 500C é a versão conversível do novo 500...
...apesar de ser bem ousada.
Apresentado ao mundo pela primeira vez em 2009 no Salão de Genebra, o novo Fiat 500C presta homenagem ao original 500 de 1957 e sua capota de tecido, mas também oferece soluções inovadoras em termos de desenho mecânico, motor e conforto. Toda a linha está com a mais autêntica tradição Fiat, de dar às pessoas acesso a primeiro segmento em conteúdo e tecnologia.

Na Itália, o público levou-o para um test drive no dia 4 de julho de 2009, o aniversário do Fiat 500 e exatamente dois anos após o lançamento do modelo que realmente levantou a barra em termos de conforto, segurança, tecnologia e características.

Usando uma abordagem típica de código aberto (ou seja, em constante evolução, um produto de sucesso com base na entrada de seus usuários), o Centro de Design Fiat criou o Fiat 500C, interagindo com as muitas comunidades de entusiastas do Cinquecento - nomeadamente "500 Wants You" em seu website - e reforçando a posição do modelo como "Um carro para o povo. Pelo povo".

A partir da versão hatch, a introdução de a capota não alterar as características do modelo vencedor, como seus quatro assentos confortáveis, ele adiciona novas funções que aumentam o prazer ao dirigir. Estes incluem um acesso mais fácil à bagageira, mesmo quando a capota está totalmente aberta, graças a um engenhoso sistema de dobradiças.

O 500 Coupé Zagato foi mostrado ao público no Salão de Genebra desse ano.
O 500 (escrever-se Cinquecento e pronunciar Tchinqüetchento) não é bem uma novidade, mas continua atraindo olhares nos salões afora. Em Genebra, a Fiat apresentou uma versão muito especial do mini-compacto, que chamou bastante atenção.

O 500 Coupé Zagato foi desenhado em parceria com o centro de design da empresa, chamado de Centro Stile. O sobrenome de grife indica que o carro foi inspirado no Coupé Zagato, um esportivo criado em 1952 que foi inspirado no clássico 500 Topolino (1936).

O novo 500 Coupé Zagato transformou o pequeno 500 em um "coupé two more two" - para simplificar, Cupê 2+2 - (com capacidade para levar dois adultos e duas crianças). Afinal, com 3,55 metros de comprimento, 1,65 metro de largura e 1,50 metro de altura, o esportivo não poderia ser tão espaçoso assim.

Sob o capô, o modelo tem um motor dois cilindros TwinAir, com 900cc e uma potência de 105 cv. O visual mereceu atenção especial por parte da Fiat: os detalhes cromados contrastam com a chamativa pintura amarela e as rodas de 17 polegadas se destacam pelo belo desenho. Por dentro, o acabamento tem dois tons e oferece uma combinação de toques em amarelo com couro preto. Até o teto foi escurecido, criando um ambiente mais esportivo.

Em junho, o Fiat 500 foi o 3º carro mais vendido da Itália.

Comercial: Hyundai Veloster - vídeo/teaser

Você já viu um carro de três portas? É a pergunta que a Hyundai faz a todo o mundo em seu comercial de lançamento do cupê Veloster. O carro será lançado mundialmente esse ano, e a Hyundai faz o mesmo comercial para o mundo inteiro (só troca de idioma, claro). Acima, segue o comercial do carro de três portas: o Hyundai Veloster. Confira!

Saiba mais sobre o Hyundai Veloster:
Hyundai Veloster no Salão de Detroit.
Hyundai mostra versão Rally do Veloster em Chicago.
Hyundai Veloster custará cerca de R$ 60 mil.

How to Cut Faux Hawk

Faux hawk is the modern variation of the traditional Mohawk style of 80s. The style requires the weaver to cut hair short from the sides of the head, leaving the longer 'strip' of hair down the center of the head. This trendy style is popular amongst men and women and can be styled on long as well as short hair. Hence, this hair style is ideal for people who desire to have a trendy, and slightly rebellious look that not only fits in their mainstream lifestyle but also in corporate work environments.

The faux hawk style works best for people who just want simple restyling or new look without cutting their hair, and also for people who are hesitant to try the traditional Mohawk style. The biggest advantage of this hair style is that one can simply brush the hair back or to the sides during the normal workday, without letting others know about your new trendy hairstyle. And to revive your new stylish look, you just need a light mist of water or gel and a quick swipe in your hair with a brush or comb. Well, this was just a brief insight about faux hawk. How to style a faux hawk haircut? Let us try to know about this haircut with the steps given below. Learn more on haircut styles and ideas.

How to Cut a Faux Hawk Haircut?

Things Required to Cut Faux Hawk Haircut
  • Scissors
  • Hair clippers
  • Rubber or elastic bands
  • Hair gels or styling mousses
How to Cut a Faux Hawk Haircut: Steps to be Followed
  • First step is to decide the thickness or width of the faux hawk cut, that you would like to sport. And the simplest way to do this is to measure the area between the irises.
  • Wash your hair properly, dry it completely and then with the help of a comb, divide your hair into three sections.
  • Use rubber or elastic bands to tie your hair in the middle of the hair.
  • If you have long hair, trim it a little bit especially from the sides using a hair clipper, leaving enough to ensure that the center part is a bit longer.
  • Now remove the rubber bands from the middle of your hair. Take the hair styling mousse or gel and apply on your hair. Apply the gel or cream as instructed and style the hair either with your hands or a comb.
  • You can create stand up spikes or a tousled look, or if your hair is very long, you can have a faux hawk with a ponytail.
  • Finally, allow the gel or styling material to dry and settle in. Use a stronghold hairspray to smoothen and finish your faux hawk look.
These were simple instructions on how to cut a faux hawk, that will definitely keep you from spending dollars or cents in the hair saloon. Though the faux hawk look can be sported by people of all age groups, it is more common among young boys, teens, and college students.

Well, this was all about 'faux hawk: how to cut a faux hair'. I am sure after reading this article you must have got a fair idea about this hairstyle. So now that you know how it is done, what are you waiting for? Try having this trendy look and be ready for loads of compliments coming your way. Have fun!

How to Prevent Greasy Hair

Greasy hair is the term used to denote flat, limp hair that clumps together with a stringy appearance, even after washing with shampoo. It may appear as if you have not washed the hair for long. Such hair may also look dull, lifeless and unclean. If you identify with this problem, you may go through this article for some solutions about how to prevent greasy hair.

Why Hair Gets Greasy

As in case of skin, even hair can be classified as oily and dry. While, dry and brittle hair has its own share of problems, greasy hair too is not so great, as far as hair styling is concerned. Why do some people have greasy hair? It is because of their overactive sebaceous glands that produce the oily sebum in large amounts. It is this sebum that makes the hair oily and greasy. Such hair attracts dust and may get dull and limp too. While, presence of more hair follicles is the cause of greasy hair in some people, hormonal changes during puberty, menopause, etc., can also be the reason for the hair getting greasy. Even heredity and hot weather can be responsible for greasy hair.

It has been noticed that those fine, straight hair are more likely to have greasy hair. Greasy hair can be of two types. One is greasy hair (whole length), along with greasy scalp. Other is greasy scalp and roots, but, dry hair. If the scalp is not oily, but, the hair is greasy, then, it can be due to use of some hair care products. In such cases, even shampooing may not prove effective in remedying this condition. There are many, who complain about their greasy hair after washing. So, how to get rid of greasy hair and what are the remedies for this condition. Let us find out.

Greasy Hair Remedies

If you are having greasy hair then, you may try the following remedies. Shampooing is touted as one of the most effective methods to control greasy hair. Those with greasy hair use shampoos that are specially formulated for controlling oil. While, some people suggest frequent shampooing, others refrain from washing hair, as it is said to worsen the condition. You may try both methods and adopt the one that is suited for your hair. Another point to be noted is that if your scalp is greasy and the hair is dry, then, use greasy hair shampoo on the scalp only. Your hair needs shampoos meant for dry hair. If you want to avoid washing hair frequently, then, go for dry shampoo, in between. The following are some tips about how to prevent greasy hair.
  • If you have greasy hair, avoid washing hair in hot water. You may either go for lukewarm water or cold water.
  • Avoid tying wet hair and/or going to bed with wet hair. This makes the hair flat, greasy and limp. Even the pillow case can get greasy with constant use and transfer the oil to the hair. So, change them more often.
  • If you are a person with oily hair, then, avoid running your fingers through the tresses. This can make the hair greasy and flat.
  • You must also stop frequent brushing of hair as this stimulates the hair follicles to produce more oil. Even vigorous scrubbing of the scalp may lead to this hair condition.
  • Those with greasy hair must avoid haircuts with bangs over the forehead. Touch with skin can make the condition worse for your hair.
  • Some people recommend avoidance of oily food, so as to prevent greasy hair, but, there is no conclusive evidence to prove the link between the two. Increasing water intake may also prove beneficial.
  • Other greasy hair remedies include rinsing with beer, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Brushing hair in the direction that is opposite to its growth, is also said to be useful in tackling greasy hair.
  • Combating stress plays a major role in keeping a check on your hormones and this may also be useful to prevent greasy hair. Even the birth control pill that you are taking, may affect the condition of your hair.
In short, greasy hair can be problematic, if not cared for in the right manner. Apart from trying the above said remedies, you may also try a hairstyle that adds volume to your hair. It is always better to avoid long hair that is kept in one length. Avoid oily hair products, at least on the scalp. So, there is no point in cursing greasy hair and doing nothing to remedy the condition. It is possible to tackle the condition with the above said measures. If you have further queries about how to prevent greasy hair, you may consult a hair expert.

Faux Hawk Haircut

Often called as a copycat of the mohawk hairstyle, faux hawk takes the cake for creativity and fashion. A faux hawk haircut combines elegance and punk with rock 'n roll punk flavor and brings about a unique style for both men and women. Although a faux hawk haircut looks best with short hair, women and sometimes men, have experimented with this style on long hair. Experiment with the faux hawk haircut if you feel like introducing some edge and class to your life. Below are some tips of how to get a faux hawk haircut for men and women. You can also read about punk hairstyles here.

How to Get a Faux Hawk Haircut
  • Choose the thickness and width of your finished faux hawk before you begin. Although there are different ways of getting a faux hawk haircut, the best technique is by determining the exact area between your irises.
  • Wash your hair properly, maybe more than once, as you want to have really squeaky clean hair for the style. Air dry your hair, comb hair to take out all the knots, and use the comb to make 3 equal sections of hair. Tie the middle section with an elastic band (not scrunchy) and separate it with the other 2 sections. This middle section's thickness and width depends entirely on you.
  • A perfect faux hawk haircut looks its best with short hair, but you can get the desired style with medium, shoulder-length hair as well. If you wish to have the short faux hawk haircut, then trim some of the length.
  • Now if you want, you can shave both sides with clippers (this step works for short hair only as you won't be shaving off a lot of extra hair, works best on men). For women, you can use some styling gel and hair spray to sleek back the sides behind the ears to make the style complete.
  • Take the band off, apply some styling gel or mousse to keep them in place. You can also make spikes with the middle section to give it a defined look.
Faux Hawk Haircut for Women

Women cut their hair in various different lengths and styles. Which is why, faux hawk hairstyles for women takes a whole new level. Let's take a look at how easy getting the desired style with your new faux hawk haircut is.

Step #1: Let's assume that you have long hair (long as in, beyond shoulder level). And if you have short hair (shorter than your shoulders), then skip this section and go to the explanation given for faux hawk haircut for men. Avoid washing your hair just before styling them. When hair is soft, getting the right style gets difficult.

Step #2: Take some styling gel in your palm and rub your hands together. Apply the gel on both sides of your hair. This will help keep the faux hawk in place. With a stand-up brush, hold the top 2/3 of your hair and make a ponytail. Secure it with a band and leave the front part of hair as it is.

Step #3: Now make another ponytail directly underneath the top one with the rest of the section. Take a comb to tease the top front part of your hair to create the necessary height for the faux hawk haircut. Brush it back by smoothing the teased hair and make a little bubble on top. This will make the hair stand up and secure it with some bobby pins.

Step #4: You'll need a strong hairspray to keep the hair in place. Check if the style is what you were looking for. Here's more on punk hairstyles for girls with long hair.

Faux Hawk Haircut for Men

Personally, a faux hawk haircut looks really sexy on men. There are so many variations that can be done with the style as their hair is already short and trimmed. Take a look at how to style the faux hawk haircut for an everyday look. Read more on punk hairstyles for men.

Step #1: To start with making the faux hawk haircut with short hair, the first step will be the same as mentioned for women. For shorter hair, the styling gel used can be applied to the entire hair.

Step #2: You will use your fingers and palms of your hands to make the top middle part of your hair stand up. To make your hair look voluminous, pull it from the roots and/or tease them with a comb. The hair on each sides need to be smoothed. Just take some gel and press the hair backwards.

Step #3: Apply hairspray if needed to get small strands of hair tucked in perfectly. Use a hairspray that won't let your faux hawk fall. Read more on punk short hair.

There you have it, your faux hawk haircut is ready to be flaunted in front of people. Wear it proudly because that's the key to pulling off this style. For a fun weekend or a night in the town, faux hawk haircut sure brings some pizzazz to your attitude.

Renault Megane Scenic


In 1992 Renault’s portfolio of one box utility cars spanned the Twingo city car at one more extreme and the much larger seven seater Escape at the other. It might seem logical to plug the gap with another one box car, but the decision to build a VW Golf sized people carrier was a much more significant risk for Renault. It was risky, but a supremely perceptive move, MPVs in the American mould were almost too big for European in town use, as well as being too expensive for young families. A smaller, cheaper, version of the Escape could potentially attract a very wide audience. Renault gave a clue to its plans in 1991 with a concept car called the Scenic. It was a move the company was later publicly to regret. Renault merged plans for the Scenic, with a bigger overall strategy of replacing the 19 range with a new single model line up of cars encompassing six different body styles, called Megane, all the vehicles were based on the same basic running gear, and used the same dashboard and switch gear. Ahead of the mainstream, Renault produced the Megane hatch, saloon, cabriolet, estate and Scenic.
The Scenic was a huge sales success. It offered five individuals seats, which could be removed and folded in a taller than normal body, which heightened the sense of space.  Superb design, detailing included storage cubby holes in the floor, and a structural panel shelf in the tall boot which could take the weight of shopping.  Other manufactures raced to launch their own interpretation of the mini MPV as this new take on the family car become hugely popular in Europe. 
Renault Megane Scenic Picture Gallery

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Scenic

Renault Megane Cars

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2010 Renault megane cc Blue

Renault-Megane-sports Concept

Renault Megane 2005

Renault Megane II Saloon

Renault Megane Sedan

2010 Renault Megane RS Sports Car

Renault Megane Trophy

Renault Megane Coupe Wallpapers

Simple Cool Interior

Simple Cool Interior
Simple Cool Interior

SR Auto Group Audi R8

audi tuning
audi tuning

The tuning package audi tuning comes with: side and rear tail lamps, black wheels, 20 inch Advance One ADV alloy rims, matte-black face, new air vents, side skirts and a rear diffuser made of carbon fiber.

Audi A5 Sportback Tuning

Tuning Audi A5
Tuning Audi A5

At the exhibition in Frankfurt in September took the official debut of the A5 Sportback and behold, that Advent tuning company introduced its product for it. For the outside of the car from ABT offer very stylish bodikit consisting of new front bumper, grille and rear bumper with integrated carbon diffuser in it.

Toyota Altezza

Altezza vs Civic type-r

Toyota Altezza On Parking
Luxury Silver Toyota Altezza
Blue Toyota Altezza Hatchback
Toyota Altezza Interior
Amazing Engine Toyota Altezza
Elegant Silver Toyota Altezza

Infiniti FX

The Infiniti FX is a mid-size luxury crossover SUV produced by the Nissan-owned Infiniti luxury vehicle brand since the 2003 model year. The FX replaced the QX4 as Infiniti's mid-size luxury-type SUV, although the QX4 was smaller than the FX. It was released at the same time as its competitors, the Porsche Cayenne and Volvo XC90. It shares the same FM platform as the rear-wheel drive Nissan 370Z, whereas the similarly sized Nissan Murano is based on the same D platform as the front-wheel drive Nissan Altima. The FX and QX56, whose platform is shared with the Nissan Armada, are not sold in Japan.The FX has been described as having the profile of a "giant scarab" or a "Bionic cheetah". Its designers sought what they called a "cool fusion" – the blending of a substantial SUV lower body with the sleek, elegant upper body more reminiscent of a classic sports car or sports GT.In addition, they sought to combine sports-car performance with SUV functionality.The FX is now in its second generation, since the 2009 model year FX35 and FX50.The nameplates FX35 and FX45 refer to the two available engines. The FX35 is available in two drivetrains, the RWD and the AWD, which are both fitted to a dual overhead cam 3.5-liter 24-valve V6 VQ35DE gasoline engine, with aluminum-alloy block and heads, electronically controlled “drive-by-wire” throttle system, and low-friction molybdenum-coated pistons that makes use of the continuous variable valve timing which in part optimizes the opening of intake valves. This is also coupled with an electronically controlled super-wide ratio five-speed automatic with a manumatic shift mode that includes the option of sequentially selected manual gearshifts and downshift rev matching.The FX45 incorporates a 4.5-liter (4,494 cc) 32-valve V8 DOHC VK45DE gasoline engine with four valves per cylinder, microfinished camshafts with aluminum-alloy block and heads, low-friction molybdenum-coated pistons, titanium intake and exhaust valves, modular cylinder heads, microfinished crankshaft, lightweight pistons, super-silent single stage cam drive chain, and a Continuously Variable Valve Timing Control System that optimizes opening of intake valves.Total 2007 sales of the FX45 numbered just 1,598 units, about a tenth of the FX35s.The FX series was updated for 2006 with new options and standard features. The updates included an exterior facelift with new grille, bumper, wheel design and three new exterior colors, and inside a revised center console with new color screen. Many features previously optional were made standard, including the 300-watt Bose audio system, RearView Monitor, 7-inch color display, Advanced Air Bag System (AABS), leather seating surfaces with heated front seats, 10-way power driver’s seat with power lumbar support and 8-way power passenger’s seat.The FX45 featured additional upgrades, including new 20-inch wheels, leather-appointed seats, a revised sport-tuned 4-wheel independent suspension with new dampers, a Bluetooth system, and the Premium Package became standard. The taillights on Sport Package equipped FX35 models and all FX45 models were changed from red to clear.The Infiniti FX was the first passenger vehicle to offer a lane departure warning system in the United States market. Infiniti's version uses a camera that watches the lane markings to alert everyone in the car via an audible buzzer that the driver is drifting unintentionally.

Porsche Cayenne v BMW X6 M v Infiniti FX v Range Rover Sport

Infiniti FX Interior
Luxury Brown Infiniti FX
Blavk Infiniti FX Looks so Sporty
Grey Infiniti FX Hatchback
White Infiniti FX Front View